Green Tea Benefits on Skin

Green tea is made with the leaves of Camellia sinensis. These leaves undergo minimal oxidation during processing and retain the health benefits of green tea. Green tea originated in China, but have gone on to be associated with a number of cultures in Asia, like Japan, South Korea, Middle East, etc. It is since the recent times, that green tea has acquired a number of followers in the West, where black tea ruled the roost. There are a number of varieties of green tea, which are now cultivated in the countries, where it is grown.

With the widespread use of green tea, it has been subjected to a number of scientific studies to find out the exact extent of long purported health benefits. These studies have acknowledged, that the green tea diet benefits are many. It helps in lowering chances of heart disease, along with lowering chances of developing certain types of cancer. There are also many beauty benefits of green tea.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea skin benefits includes the fact, that it helps to keep the skin healthy and look younger. Therefore, along with consuming green tea, it is also now used for topical application. One of the component of green tea has anti-aging properties. The antioxidant present in green tea helps to clear damage caused to the skin and repairs the wrinkles, blemished or any other impurities on the skin.

It fights free radicals in the body. The antioxidants called catechins present in green tea, helps to fight damage caused by the free radicals in the body. These free radicals are formed in the body, due to exposure to toxins. It is also a natural sunscreen, which can easily be used to replace the sun screen, you are using right now. If your skin has been exposed to a lot of UV radiation, then the chances of the skin becoming loose are very high. It is caused, because of oxidation moving in between the cells. Over a period of time and with age, the immune system may not be as active and cause the skin to wrinkle, due to the effects of the skin. Therefore, green tea can be used with a sun block to help reduce or completely erase the damage caused to the skin. With the use of green tea, the cells will become stronger and they will work together. The UV rays will not have its effect on the skin.

One of the important benefits is prevention of skin cancer. The harmful enzyme junk-2 is blocked by green tea. The lemon green tea benefits skin, by boosting the anti-cancer properties. It by rejuvenating the old skin cells, which are towards the end of their life cycle. Among the numerous benefits is its property to heal a wound. It is also used in the treatment of skin conditions like aphthous ulcers, rosacea, and actinic keratosis.

Green tea has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used as a topical application for sensitive skin. If the skin becomes red often, topical application of green tea will help in soothing the skin. The anti-inflammatory properties also help to improve psoriasis and dandruff conditions.

If you suffer from acne, then green tea is something, you may want to try to soothe acne. Catechins present in green tea has anti-bacterial properties also help to decrease the hormonal activity, which may be the cause of acne problems.

Since green tea is known to work wonders for the skin, it is commonly used to make makeups, creams and other beauty products. Along with the topical use of green tea, the benefits can be enhanced by consuming green tea regularly as well. There are green tea pills, which have hit the market. If you do not like the taste of the tea, then you may want to make use of these pills.
